Tag Archives: lake

A Photo Gallery of Birds I photographed in 2020

Hi friends!

This is my last post for the current year and I thought it would be a good idea to share with you some of the pictures with birds I’ve taken during 2020 that I’m especially fond of. I initially wanted to name this article “Best Bird Pictures Taken in 2020” or something similar but such appreciations might be pretty subjective and possibly arrogant (or might create such an appearance). So I thought it’s best to let you judge the “goodness” of my photos and decide if they really stand out.

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Unwanted Reflections (2)

Hi folks!

Some while ago I published Unwanted Reflections. Since then I hoped that occasions to take such pictures will be fewer. In the meantime I continued to take all kinds of photos: landscapes, birds, insects and so on. However from time to time I couldn’t help myself from photographing bad behaviour too. This hasn’t vanished and frankly speaking I don’t think it will vanish so soon. Who knows, maybe in the future people will realise that plastic and nature are not a good match but as one Romanian proverb says “much water will still flow in the Danube until that happens”.

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Unwanted Reflections

Rembember these posts:

Sunset and Reflections (2)

https://callofnatureblog.wordpress.com/2014/04/17/reflections/ ?

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Well dear friends, today I will show you another type of reflections. It’s not a beautiful sunset which is mirrored in the water or in a modern piece of architecture. It’s not a bird or a boat. Instead it’s … garbage!
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Birds (2)

My previous post about birds (https://callofnatureblog.wordpress.com/2014/12/12/birds/) contained pictures taken in the warm season. Now, as winter “officially” began (solstice), I think it would be a good idea to go back “into the white”.

Before it’s getting cold, many birds fly to warmer places, while others remain to endure the frost. The seagulls, wild ducks and even crows belong to the last type. And if they find a small pond where they can get fish, this can be seen as a true haven.

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Birds are a fascinating subject for nature photographers (and not only!). There can be many reasons for this: their flight, their grace, beautiful colors, the fact that it’s hard to “shoot” them and sometimes you have to wait hours and even days to get a good photo, and so on. In many situations patience, camouflage and quick reaction from the photographer are crucial.

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Reflections (2)

In the previous article I posted some daylight reflections. Now it’s time for some night photos, which were taken in the same location (Bucharest, Herastrau park). Night has always been a fascinating subject for (romantic) poets and painters. So why not for photographers as well?

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Check this too: https://callofnatureblog.wordpress.com/2014/04/17/reflections/
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