Category Archives: Domestic Animals

Pictures Taken During Quarantine (Lockdown)

Hi guys,

This is my first post after the “official” end of quarantine in Romania. As in many other countries the pandemic situation caused a lockdown so all inhabitants had to stay in their houses unless a good justification was in place to go out. And of course photography was not accepted as a reason. 

I won’t comment much on this situation as the internet is full of opinions and to be honest I’m pretty fed up with this subject. What I would like to talk about instead is how I handled this from a photographic point of view.

As probably mentioned before I consider myself an outdoor photographer and taking nature pictures is almost synonym with “get out of the house”. Consequently by being forced into a “house arrest” my options were severely limited so I had to find more opportunities indoors. Let me present you the ones I found and took advantage of.

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Mountain Dogs

It’s been a long time since it came into my mind to write this post. However I would say it was worth waiting! During my mountain trips I’ve been “meeting” lots of these wonderful creatures, each of which is unique in its own way.

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Tortoises are fascinating creatures. Some of them live longer than humans (the ones from Galapagos can reach up to several hundred years). They also have various sizes, from very small to “extra large” depending on species. On solid ground they move according to the “so why hurry up?” rule, yet situation is different when they are in the water. Their habitat can be found either in seas or ocenas, but also in “sweet water” lakes.

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