Monthly Archives: June 2013

Storm Clouds

These pictures were taken last year in Crete. It was in the afternoon when I decided to go on a walk along the beach. It was still sunny and the clouds were relatively bright and very well defined (see: Then dark clouds came from nowhere and that was the time when it was clear that a storm was coming. In spite of this fact I continued to walk on the beach and take photos with everything I found interesting. Later I went back home and arrived just in time to see the start of the rain.

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Sunrise in Crete

No kind of photography is easy. However I think nature photography is even more difficult because the photographer has to deal with ambient light, which is usually beyond his control. In other words, in order to get astonishing results you must be “in the right place and at the right time”. Because high quality lighting is hard to get. Even if some kind of accessories like diffusers or flash guns are used you are still highly dependent of the ambient light. This light can be very different depending on place, time of the day, weather and even the season when taking the photos.

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More droplets

As can be seen in my previous posts I find droplets fascinating. I like the way they render details of the object on which they are placed. They act like a kind of a magnifier lens.

On the other hand you can capture incredible reflections (a building, sky with clouds, etc) which would be hard to spot with the “naked eye”. Whether a reflection or a “magnifier lens” is obtained depends on how the focus is being made.

One thing is sure: droplets (which are a part of the macro/close-up photography) take a lot of skill and practice in order to obtain breathtaking pictures. I consider myself a learner and think there is lot of room for improvement.

I will be back with further articles on this subject.

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