Category Archives: Macro/Close-up

Meet Dragonflies and Damselflies

Hi friends!

It’s been a pretty long while since I’m shooting insect photos. So far I’ve discovered several species through my macro lens: bees, wasps, beetles, ants, butterflies etc. I usually encounter many of these when going outdoors on a warm spring or summer day. However I occasionally meet some more “special” types and when I see them one of the possible words that comes into my thoughts is: “jackpot”! Today is a great day!

One of these interesting types is the dragonfly or sometimes its smaller (let’s say thinner) “cousin”, the damselfly. I find both of them so fascinating that I think they deserve a fully dedicated post. And this is what this article is about.

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Meet the Ringflash (2)

Hi friends!

In previous post I presented you some indoor subjects photograhed during the two months quarantine that was imposed in Romania due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to this I promised you a new article about the ring flash usage. Now it’s time for me to fulfil my promise. So let’s get to the subject!

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Pictures Taken During Quarantine (Lockdown)

Hi guys,

This is my first post after the “official” end of quarantine in Romania. As in many other countries the pandemic situation caused a lockdown so all inhabitants had to stay in their houses unless a good justification was in place to go out. And of course photography was not accepted as a reason. 

I won’t comment much on this situation as the internet is full of opinions and to be honest I’m pretty fed up with this subject. What I would like to talk about instead is how I handled this from a photographic point of view.

As probably mentioned before I consider myself an outdoor photographer and taking nature pictures is almost synonym with “get out of the house”. Consequently by being forced into a “house arrest” my options were severely limited so I had to find more opportunities indoors. Let me present you the ones I found and took advantage of.

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Meet the Ringflash

Hi again friends!

In this post I’m going to write a few words about my experience with the macro ring flash. To be honest it’s a pretty limited experience as although I got this flash as a present one year ago I have only used it 4-5 times (indoors and outdoors) since then. However I would like to share with you some impressions.

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Insects … reloaded!

Hi folks!

After sharing some findings regarding shooting arachnids in this article I would say it’s time for another post about insects. After all, both subjects are proudly representing the beauty of macro photography. Both can be cute, interesting, unusual and scary in the same time. Well, honestly speaking I find arachnids scarier but this is just my personal taste.

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Spiders. And Some Findings About Photographing Them

Hi folks!

It’s time for a new article concerning macro photography. This time I’m going to present you some of the things I discovered when photographing … spiders!

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As mentioned in this post I have a real phobia regarding these creatures. I cannot explain how I got it but I can say for sure that taking macro and close-up pictures with them helped me a lot if not overcoming it at least decreasing its intensity. I faced my fears and got to know the world of arachnids much better than ever! And the truth is that it’s a fascinating world and there is a huge potential for great pictures.
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Insects. And Some Findings on Photography and Editing

Hi folks!

This is the first post of the current year dedicated to insects. To be honest most of the time I was more involved in other types of photography like landscapes, birds, architecture and airshows. However I haven’t forgotten this tiny beautiful world. How could I? Let’s be honest: insect photography is difficult but it’s one of the most rewarding genres.

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Capturing Its Prey

In previous post (Photography and Overcoming Phobias) I was telling you about how photography helped me put the fear of spiders under control by taking photos of them. Now I would like to continue to share with you some of my findings about this phobia.

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So why do we fear spiders (if we do of course)? There could be some good reasons for this.
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Photography and Overcoming Phobias

Everyone has his/her own fears.  Like the song says “I’m only human after all”. But some of us even have real phobias like fear of the dark, phobias of large areas (agoraphobia), small areas (claustrophobia), mice, rats, other small animals and last but not least … insects and arachnids!

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Insects (10)

Hi folks!

Today I’ll show you the last insect pictures taken this year. They were shot this month and I consider myself lucky that the weather was still excellent, as a few days later it got rainy and as cold as in winter. In fact it’s the first time I’m taking insect photos in October, which came to me as a nice surprise.

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